
BBQ event - 16.06.2023

WSV Schwörstadt (Germany)

BBQ event - 16.06.2023

Following a suggestion by our work colleague Manfred Giltjes, this year's barbecue event took place at WSV Schwörstadt (D).

It was a very nice place directly on the Rhine.




Some got on the "Stand Up Paddles" or dared to swim in the water, although it was still quite cool.

While the grill master was doing his work, we were out on the Rhine with the dragon boat.

We helped to launch the boat, got life jackets, paddles and a short instruction.

It was a lot of fun and refreshing with the wind and the splashes of water.

Afterwards we were really "exhausted" and hungry.

We were looking forward to the delicious barbecue meal with meat, sausage and side dishes.

There were enough cool drinks and the desserts we brought with us were also delicious.

In the evening we could chat comfortably and boules was played again.

Although there were fewer people this time, it was a very nice barbecue event, it almost felt like a holiday.